Directed to adults, internal medicine is the medical specialty that deals with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of internal organs.
An internal medicine specialist examines and assesses the patient's entire body, treating respiratory, cardiac, digestive, renal, and osteoarticular conditions.
Most patients who see a doctor suffer from several conditions, which must be linked and dealt with in a consistent approach, so as to prevent inadequate drug treatment combinations or side effects of drugs. With the consultation offered by the internal medicine physician, the patient would avoid extra medical examinations that may prove to be unnecessary. The internal medicine physician is the one who examines and diagnoses the case, and to the extent he considers a consultation or highly specialised investigations are in order, he advises so.
There may be situations where the patient is afflicted with a disease affecting many vital organs (system disease, such as: collagenosis, vasculitis), disorders that are also being dealt with by internal medicine. If you find yourself in a situation where you requested specialist consultations, but no diagnosis was determined, you might have such a system disease and we advise you to make an appointment with an internal medicine physician. The internal medicine physician is also the one who usually diagnoses cancer patients (including asymptomatic cases), whom then they refer to an oncologist and/or surgeon, depending on the therapeutic plan and the cancer stage.
We believe that it is of utmost importance that the internal medicine physician be able to offer integrative approach to your health, which is why at VERONIKI Life - Clinic for Integrative Medicine you will benefit from a unitary view of the treatment, based on allopathic therapies, and in particular on complementary procedures.
How to establish an appointment for an internal medicine consult?
We are waiting for you in Bucharest at VERONIKI Life - Clinic for Integrative Medicine, if you need an internal medicine consult. To book an appointment, please call us at +4021.232.98.41 or drop us a line at